"Want to Teach Yourself to Play Bass Guitar!Wondering how to play bass guitar? This beginner guide will teach you the fundamentals quickly.Guitarists Guide to Playing Bass: Best Tips to Help You Think Like a Bassist.General guidelines that will improve your bass playing, and help you to think and play like a real bass guitarist.Learn how to play bass with this complete guide for beginners featuring video, tips on how to tune a bass, and how to practice the bass guitar.If you’ve chosen to learn how to play bass guitar for beginners, congrats! Learning to play any instrument can be a lifelong adventure bringing with it a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment, as well as a ton of fun along the way!The bass guitar provides the low end, punch, drive, rhythm and groove in most musical genres. Along with the drummer, the bass player is the other member of the “rhythm section” in most bands. He or she plays an important role in every genre by giving live music a solid foundation.Learning how to play bass guitar for beginners requires dedication and practice, but it’s not a difficult instrument to learn how to play. You can get a basic understanding and become functional relatively quickly with a little work. Mastering the instrument requires a lifetime of dedicated practice and study, so let’s get started!